Body Procedures
Surgeries performed by Dr. Scott Geiger and Dr. John Hulsen in Chesterfield, MO just outside of St. Louis.
Patient 1
This patient underwent in-office cellulite correction under local anesthesia. This was performed in a single procedure in less than 1 hour. Here she is several months later with significantly less dimpling and a much smoother appearance to her buttocks and thighs. […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 2
This patient developed an infection in his breast bone (sternum) and surrounding tissues several months after a coronary artery bypass grafting. He underwent several debridements to clear away infected and non-viable tissue. Dr. Geiger then reconstructed the area and protected the heart with several nearby muscles including one from his abdomen and one from his […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 3
Posterior cervical spinous process resection and reconstruction This patient developed prominence and near erosion of his spinous process through his skin several years after prior neck fusion procedure. He underwent combined resection and reconstruction of the involved bones with local advancement of fasciocutaneous flaps. This provided stable, durable reconstruction over his underlying spinal hardware, and […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 4
This patient was unhappy with her excess labia minora. She underwent in office labiaplasty under local anesthesia to reduce this loose tissue for a more comfortable and aesthetic appearance. […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 5
This patient underwent heart bypass and valve replacement. Unfortunately his sternal bone developed healing problems and required partial removal. In order to protect the heart, Dr. Geiger transferred his nearby chest wall (pectoralis major) muscle into the defect and advanced his tissue to reconstruct the defect. This provided robust blood supply and stable coverage to […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 6
This patient underwent heart bypass surgery. Unfortunately he developed an infection in the sternal bone requiring removal. This left a large open wound and exposure of his heart. Dr. Geiger reconstructed the area by moving his chest wall and abdominal muscles (pectoralis major & rectus abdominis) to cover and protect the heart, as well as […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 7
This patient developed a cervical fracture requiring operative fixation by his spine surgeon. He subsequently developed some exposure and infection of his cervical neck bones (spinous processes). This required removal of these prominent and infected bones. Dr. Geiger moved part of his upper back muscles and skin (trapezius muscle flap) to the area to provide […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 8
This patient had a fairly significant asymmetry of her labia minora. She underwent labiaplasty by Dr. Geiger to remove the extra tissue on the right, giving her a much more matched appearance, less irritation, and improved confidence. […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 9
This patient suffered from loose skin around her abdomen, buttock, and thighs. She also developed a weakened abdominal wall after childbearing despite being active and fit. She underwent a circumferential body lift by Dr. Geiger which combines tightening of both the back and the front. The abdominoplasty portion repaired her rectus diastasis and now she […]
Individual results may vary.
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Patient 10
This patient suffered from loose skin around her abdomen, buttock, and thighs. She also developed a weakened abdominal wall after childbearing despite being active and fit. She underwent a circumferential body lift by Dr. Geiger which combines tightening of both the back and the front. The abdominoplasty portion repaired her rectus diastasis and now she […]
Individual results may vary.
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