What to Expect from Your Breast Augmentation Recovery

Breast augmentation surgery involves making incisions around the breasts to allow for breast implants to be inserted into the area. With any surgical procedure, there is the need to allow the body to properly recover. With breast augmentation, the length of the recovery and what to expect throughout the recovery process can vary between patients based on a variety of factors.
Patients will be able to return to the comfort of their homes the same day as their breast augmentation. There will be some swelling, bruising, soreness, and discomfort. Pain can be managed with medication. A special surgical bra will need to be worn that will provide support and help with swelling.
Most women will need to take around three to five days off from work to allow their bodies to recover. A follow-up visit will be scheduled around one week after your breast augmentation to make sure your recovery is going well. Most normal activities can be resumed after two weeks but strenuous activities will need to be avoided for around six weeks.
Throughout your recovery, you may notice a feeling of tightness around the chest as well as some changes to nipple sensitivity. As the muscles relax and the body adjusts to the new implants the feelings of tightness and pressure in the chest should subside.
If you are interested in breast augmentation and would like to know if you are a good candidate for the procedure, contact Chesterfield Plastic Surgery today to schedule a consultation.