Breast Implant Removal

Ruptured Implant Exchange
This patient had subglandular silicone implants placed on top of her muscle ~35 years ago. She developed a fold in the implant that was visible on the inner left breast. This tented the skin and was easily palpable. She desired a little more fullness as well. We decided to exchange to a submuscular pocket to prevent her new implants from becoming so visible and palpable again in the future. Her implants were removed by an incision along her breast fold, allowing removal of her old breast capsule other than a small portion used as a hammock to help keep her new, highly cohesive, gummy bear implants in correct position. Additional skin was resected along the fold to tighten the breast envelope and give her a fantastic result. Mentor 380cc implants removed. Natrelle 485cc full profile implants inserted.