Mommy Makeover
This amazing mom decided to do something for herself for a change. She was unhappy with her belly and breasts and wanted a comprehensive touch up. Dr. Geiger performed a mommy makeover including breast lift with augmentation, tummy tuck, and liposuction of her lower back and flanks. She had smooth, round, moderate profile cohesive implants (Natrelle SSM 345cc) placed under the muscle and a concurrent breast lift. She looks amazing with additional cleavage, upper pole fullness, and perkiness to her new breasts. Her pre-existing nipple inversion will be repaired under local anesthesia in the office at a later date. To top everything off she had 2.5 liters of fat suctioned off through tiny incisions along the waistline to really define the waist and enhance her buttock profile (no BBL or grafting performed). She truly looks amazing with her new curves and flat, toned abdomen that she has worked so hard for. Individual results may vary