Breast Implant Removal

Surgeries performed by Dr. Scott Geiger and Dr. John Hulsen in Chesterfield, MO just outside of St. Louis.

Patient 1

Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Case #29681 - Breast Implant Removal

This nearly 70 year old patient had subglandular silicone breast augmentation over 35 years ago. She developed bilateral implant ruptures noted on imaging, and had some tightening/contracture with discomfort. Dr. Geiger performed total capsulectomies, removing the implants and the entire protective capsule that forms around the implants in one piece. This ensures full removal of […]

Individual results may vary.

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Patient 2

Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Case #14067 - Breast Implant Removal

This patient had breast augmentation with silicone implants many years ago. She developed capsular contracture of both implants coupled to ongoing droop of her breast tissue. She was suffering from multiple other medical problems so we performed an en bloc capsulectomy, removing her implants and capsules in one piece as she desired. Dr. Geiger then […]

Individual results may vary.

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Patient 3

Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Case #4864 - Breast Implant Removal

This patient developed rupture of her silicone implants placed under the muscle approximately 15 years ago. She had a little more widening in the center of her chest due to a depressed sternum and widened muscle origin. She underwent exchange for newer, highly cohesive gummy bear implants through her old breast fold incision, with a […]

Individual results may vary.

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Patient 4

Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Case #6983 - Breast Implant Removal

Ruptured Implant Removal This patient had subglandular (on top of the muscle) silicone implants placed over 35 years ago. They were noted to be ruptured on recent mammogram. She underwent removal of the ruptured implants including any silicone granulomas (scar tissue around loose silicone in the breast) through incisions hidden in her breast folds. She […]

Individual results may vary.

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Patient 5

Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Case #1115 - Breast Implant Removal

This patient had subpectoral silicone implants placed 37 years previously. She developed bilateral extracapsular ruptures and capsular contractures. She underwent removal of the ruptured implants including any silicone granulomas (scar tissue) through incisions hidden in her breast folds. She did not desire replacement nor breast lift. […]

Individual results may vary.

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Patient 6

Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Case #1126 - Breast Implant Removal

This patient had subglandular silicone implants placed 36 years previously that were noted to have extracapsular ruptures on recent mammogram. She underwent removal of the ruptured implants including any silicone granulomas (scar tissue) through incisions hidden in her breast folds. Natrelle Inspira SRM 375 cc silicone implants were placed into a new subpectoral space, keeping […]

Individual results may vary.

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Patient 7

Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Case #4499 - Breast Implant Removal

Ruptured Implant Exchange This patient had subglandular silicone implants placed on top of her muscle ~35 years ago. She developed a fold in the implant that was visible on the inner left breast. This tented the skin and was easily palpable. She desired a little more fullness as well. We decided to exchange to a […]

Individual results may vary.

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Patient 8

Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Case #4500 - Breast Implant Removal

This patient had subglandular 280cc saline implants placed on top of her muscle 19 years previously. She developed a visible and palpable fold of the implant in her left upper outer breast. She desired removal without replacement. The entire calcified capsules around her implants were also removed leaving her with a nice, natural, soft result. […]

Individual results may vary.

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Patient 9

Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Case #4853 - Breast Implant Removal

This patient had subglandular silicone implants placed 36 years prior. She developed rupture to both implants along with a palpable and visible knuckle of implant shell protruding from the inner left and outer right breasts. She underwent total capsulectomies on both sides, removing all of her old scar tissue and ruptured silicone. New highly cohesive […]

Individual results may vary.

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Patient 10

Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Case #4093 - Breast Implant Removal

Ruptured Silicone Implant Exchange This very active 70 year old patient had breast augmentation with silicone implants placed in 1980. Over time these implants ruptured and she developed severe contractures, or tightening, of the implant capsules. She felt like she had “hard tennis balls” on her chest. She underwent total capsulectomies with removal of her […]

Individual results may vary.

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